The Absolute Truth (1997 TV Movie)
Precarious journalism behind closed political doors
27 July 2023
A film with Jane Seymour is always worth watching, since she acts well and usually takes part in very interesting subjects, often bringing up important issues. Here is a presidential candidate who is sure to be the next president, but he keeps harassing his secretaries. This is a subject that constantly keeps turning up again, the politicians never being able to risk their careers, avoiding scandals at any price, even telling lies and doing anything to get away with them, like Clinton about Lewinsky, Nixon about Watergate, the cases are innumerable, and sometime they get away with their lies. Here a news team has got a senator hooked by hard evidence, and he has even got assays with dirty hands before. The main argument of the film is about journalism ethics, do the journals really have the right to push the matter further even if their witnesses object, and is the absolute truth worth revealing at any price. There are no clear answers here, as the journalists have to keep their jobs and go on working, even if a dirty old man of a senator gets away by his manoeuvres. It's a documentary insight into political journalism carefully charting and navigating in troubled waters even involving personal tragedies, but no matter how much the truth is brushed aside and done away with, it will always remain there and sooner or later burst out into flames again.
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