25 July 2023
Directed by Peter Nicks. A runtime of one hour and fifty minutes. Streaming on AppleTV+ with a PG-13 rating.

This is the story about Wardell Stephen Curry II the NBA's Golden State Warrior, one of the top seventy-five NBA players of all time, and the current three-point record holder. Father of three, and husband to Ayesha Curry. Documenting the early years in North Carolina being a sibling, son to multiple athlete mother Sonya Curry, and the undersized son to NBA player Dell Curry.

Showing how his size played a major part in every step he tried to take. But how his drive and willingness to get comfortable in an uncomfortable environment helped him become the player he is today.

The documentary flip-flops back and forth to Stephen's younger years of High school, college, and his eventual pivot to the league. Switching from then to the 2022 NBA season where they won the championship title.

Seeing the trials and tribulations he went through in the past and currently goes through. How his daily life is and a true look into the person. "Stephen Curry: Underrated" was a great look into the person, showing more than just a basketball player. AppleTV+ did a great job revealing what's behind the veil.

I'm a Knicks fan so when I think about Stephen it's a sore subject. Steph was coming to the Knicks. It was said the Knicks had full intentions of picking him. Then that went to crap once the "Golden State Warriors" picked him the pick before ours. Can you imagine what that would have done for our franchise? Anyways can't cry over spilled milk.

I enjoyed learning about Stephen Curry's journey. He's lived quite the life. With plenty more to accomplish. I can see him doing way more in life. God built him with an overload of talent. So much so he has leftovers he can use in other sports like Golf.

Stephen Curry is a family man, a businessman, and a world-class athlete like the rest of his family. AppleTV+ continues the trend of putting out great content. If there adding documentaries to the fold Netflix and MAX better watch out. I give this four mor fires 🔥🔥🔥🔥.

#CosmoandtheMovieWithin #CosmoMovieBlog #CosmoLanier #StephenCurryUnderrated.
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