cardboard cutouts
18 July 2023
The genre here is Middle Aged Comedy Chick-flick centred on 3 women Kristin Scott Thomas Laure Calamy and Olivia Côte who are represented here as cliches of cliches of cliches of Middle Aged women

  • One is over the top refuse-to-age loud brash and yes irritating; the next is anal my-husband-legged-it-with-a-younger-woman-boohoo-my-life-is-ruined she has a son who is even a bigger poorly characterized or over-characterized cardboard cutout who tries to link her up with the former friend

  • Then there is Kristin Scott Thomas who plays an "artistic" recycled aged British deb having matured into a jewellery-maker living with a Greek artist. It is as if those characters and the storyline were designed by AI; hey i don't know maybe they were 🙂🙃😉 ok so within 10 minutes when I realized the genre and the IQ level of the piece I was gonna bail but somehow stayed (I had nothing else to do) and maybe the Greek Islands kept me. Anyway it said Kristin Scott Thomas was in the film and she does not appear for quite a while; when she does the cardboard cutout effect is still fully in operation she may even add to it and her acting skills are mostly wasted since it is like watching an ultra-marathon runner taking part in a sack-race at the local middle-school. But she still manages to land a few good moves ... The wardrobe they picked for aging deb reconverted to Artiste in The Cyclades is vomit-inducing on all levels. The hair? What? Really?

As we said and repeat AI probably did that too 🙂

So if you want to be positive here it is a film about friendship but clumsy clumsy. The dialogue is borderline special needs. The acting could be good but is reined in by the other factors.

And yet somehow i stayed till the end. Maybe Greece? Maybe Kristin Scott Thomas? Maybe a perverted desire to see how bad it could get; and let us be clear this is very bad but somehow ultimately watchable Put your brain in a jar and sit back and watch those landscapes and maybe a bit of the story; it will not tire you out.
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