Don't bother what others think about this movie
24 June 2023
Sum... This movie is packed with great animation and somewhat good storyline. Feels a bit rushed though hence i gave it 8/10.

I watched this movie after finishing last season 2 weeks ago, i didn't read the reviews and didn't bother my self to check i just wanted to chillax and and entertain my self. I can really say that i was surprised!

Firstly... great animation and effects! I was shocked that this movie had this level of good frames and animation. It felt as if i was watching a Disney / Pixar grade film. Everything exceeded my expectations to be honest. Don't listen to what other say about this movie. Feels sad when i can really see and feel that theres been good amount of work put into this move and still some rate it 1 or 3 stars. Like what the hell at least appreciate the load of work put into this somewhat masterpiece! I Really enjoyed this movie and would highly recommend it to those who fished the series of at the last season.

Secondly... The choice of music was super and really felt what the producers wanted us to feel when watching the movie. My eyes 👀 got a little blurry, if you know what i mean . The only thing I didn't like was how they introduced the new characters! Everything happens fast in the beginning and I struggled to know who is the enemy and what their motive was. They didn't get enough time and had little to no backstory at all, that made it difficult for me to fully grasp the whole conflict and situation. In the end it was a bit more clear as I progressed through the end but still wasn't enough i think. That's why i rate it a 7.5 - 8 stars.

Watch it and I promise you will enjoy it and don't bother with the low rating, most of them are either haters or really just grumpy party killers / Karen's who doesn't care or appreciate others hard work.😎

Can't wait for the next season.
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