Ruby Speaking (2023)
Unfunny and unrealistic with unlikable, untalented lead
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear. Sometimes you've got to wonder what kinda focus group questions have meant production and media companies try and 'make' someone 'a star'. Jayde Adams isn't a good comic and is not likable - being working class, with a regional accent and bigger than your average actor aren't reasons to build a sitcom around someone. As well as the writing being extremely dry, unfunny, predictable and not based in reality (call centre jobs are hellish, the implied 'frission' between a symetrical, middle-class boss and an incompetent unattractive lazy employee would never happen, when working minimum wage in a boiler room call centre you get abused by most customers so you don't feel like a pseudo-social worker plus these kinda jobs are all now outsourced to PhDs in the developing world) the acting quality, writing and direction is really hit and miss.

Finally the 'kooky' angle they're tryna force by having costumes in krazy clashing colours and the customers 'appear' in the office during calls just comes across as really desperate and tacky.
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