Standard Film Noir
15 June 2023
Preston Foster returns from the war to discover he no longer has his job as chief investigator of a large bank. Instead, he's now the regional manager. Making a tour of the branches, he finds his brother, Shepperd Strudwick, is the manager of a branch, and married to Signe Hasso, with whom Foster has had an affair. Her free-spending ways have driven Strudwick wild, so wild that he has given up his cautious ways and speculated in a can't miss deal. When the deal misses, he confesses to Miss Hasso that he used the bank's money.

It's a film noir with all the hallmarks of the genre, from the story being told in flashback, to the femme fatale, to the camerawork by Harry Jackson that grows darker and shadow-filled as the story progresses. It's not director Ray McCarey's strong suit, but with a competent cast and crew, it's a well told, if already a bit stereotyped story.
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