Engaging topic/Engaging Movie
13 June 2023
I will just agree with most of the positive reviews of this movie, but I wanted to set one fact straight.

When they show scenes of the "authorities" spraying water on the protesters, it was actually about -40F at the time. The water would have literally frozen in mid air as it hit the protestors. And when it did hit them it would have been instant hypothermia.

And if you think that the US isn't a police state, you are wrong.

These protestors would brutalized. I hope that the perpetrators got the maximum sentence allowed.

I will just agree with most of the positive reviews of this movie, but I wanted to set one fact straight.

When they show scenes of the "authorities" spraying water on the protesters, it was actually about -40F at the time. The water would have literally frozen in mid air as it hit the protestors. And when it did hit them it would have been instant hypothermia.

And if you think that the US isn't a police state, you are wrong.

These protestors would brutalized. I hope that the perpetrators got the maximum sentence allowed.
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