Why Did She Kill The Woman When She Didn't?
25 May 2023
Lana Morris is married to Ronald Howard. She used to be engaged to another guy, so when he calls her and says he's leaving the country and would like to say goodbye to her, she agrees to meet him, even though she has promised Howard to never see him again. While leaving, she sees a woman being murdered and runs away. She doesn't say anything, until the police, in the person of Denis Shaw comes calling. She explains, but claims she cannot really describe the murderer. Shaw says that to clear her, she must meet the murdered woman's upstairs neighbor. It's Robert Dorning, who identifies her as the woman she saw arguing with the murder victim a month earlier. Miss Morris faints, and later identifies Dorning as the murderer. However, Shaw dismisses her accusation and arrests her. Now it's up to Howard to find the proof of her assertions.

It's a nice little thriller as the threat of prison closes in on Miss Morris, and she's pretty good. The problem is with the way Ronald Harris' character is written. He's clearly intensely jealous of her former fiancee, yet believes everything she says. The clue that may save her is introduced shortly before the end, and Howard has no trouble tracking it down. While director Max Varnel does a good job of maintaining the tension, and the performers are fine, the structuring of the mystery, the howcatchem, is not well done.
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