It was just missing somethings..
5 May 2023
After loving the Bridgeton series' I was so excited to see the prequel series.. But alas, the Queen Charlotte series was just missing some of the Bridgeton Je ne sais quoi.

I think it could be summed up in a few things..

Firstly, the number of episodes did not do the Queen Charlotte story line any justice. The series ended so quickly that I had to check to see if I somehow skipped episodes. It felt like it was left hanging up in the air.

The story could've been portrayed a bit more concise. Perhaps it was because each episode showcased two different timelines, which in the end stifled each era's storyline.

The way in which the episodes were being filmed, also seemed a bit off. The scenes were a lot more gloomy, not as bright and airy as with the Bridgeton series' - with the exception of Georges 'medical' treatments which understandably needed to be more dark and dingy.

That breathe of fresh air feeling, the magic, the vivid and brightness of colours, was not there or was insufficient.

Somehow there also a lacking in the music or tones of music. I hardly remember any of it.

The actresses and actors on the other hand, did really well. They all brought their A-game and did their best to bring the characters to life.

All the female characters were perfectly cast, as well as the two aids to the young royals.

Overall, I felt like this was'nt the same Shondaland that put together the Bridgeton series.

They had the winning magic formula in Bridgeton, it's a pity that it didn't convey all the way through the Queen Charlotte series.

Hopefully the next chapter of the Bridgeton or a second season of Queen Charlotte will bring the life and light back again.

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