21 Jump Street: Gotta Finish the Riff (1987)
Season 1, Episode 6
Gotta Finish the Riff
29 April 2023
So long Jenko. You got run over by a drunk driver. Everyone were sad at your funeral.

Frederick Forrest wisely bailed out of the show. He is replaced by Seven Williams who plays Captain Adam Fuller. He has big plans for Jump Street now the Mayor is behind the initiative.

Hanson and Hoffs go undercover to protect a hard ass school principal who hit and ejected a gang member out of school.

Fuller fears that the gang member will return for revenge. Indeed Reginald Brooks (Blair Underwood) returns armed, dangerous and with his homies. They hold the school hostage.

Hanson's cover is quickly blown. It is up to Hoffs to save the day.

Mildly diverting, the show has got a soft reboot with a new captain. I noted that he wants his cops to go to school armed. No one admonishes the principle for his unreasonable get tough attitude. He placed his school and pupils in danger.

The show still leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
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