Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Last Gen
26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I applaud the effort to at least watch some legacy Star Trek, the writers (under Terry "Twitter" Matalas) present a season that consists of two seperate Kirk-era movies with the TNG cast. If that is the same mistake that Berman & Braga made when writing the finale of ENTERPRISE is open for discussion.

The characters at least feel right most of the times and I didn't cringe like in seasons 1 and especially season 2.

The season is full of references to old Star Trek. I mean really full.

Many people call them easter eggs - but those you have to look for. Here they are presented center frame accompanied by a musical sting. Like Worf listening to the same opera while training that Picard did in First Contact. There is no connection between those scenes and Worf would listen to Klingon Opera anyway.

There are, at time so many references that they got on my nerves.

Three quarters of this season consists of a mystery plot that is completely irrelevant in the last two episodes. I felt cheated. Vadic just gets spaced and apart from two sentences in the Borg Queen info dump, nobody seems to care anymore about Section 31, how long this conspiracy has gone on for or exactly how this alliance between the Borg and the changelings even worked. What was the benefit for the changelings if the Borg "not just (want) to assimilate, but annihilate"? Why did I have to endure Vadic and her shenanigans for 8 episodes?

But these things get drowned out by explosions and a ridiculous scene where Picard can free his son that he knows for a week because he hugs him. It gets really pathetic when they show flashbacks of these few days when they drank at the holodeck or had an argument. Ah! The good times!

And this is the antithesis of TNG. Yes you can reproduce the bridge or render the old Enterprise-D but when love makes Borg nanoprobes go away, we are indeed not in the Star Trek universe anymore.

The reasons I loved TNG were not because things exploded or it felt like the Kirk movies - I loved them because of the moral and ethical discussions, the rational view from different sides on certain problems and the determination by the best people who kick ass at their jobs.

Terry Matalas knows Star Trek - which makes him a better showrunner than the last two. But he and his writing staff forgot over all those memberberries to write a consistent plot.

Like that stupid secret Section 31 station/horror warehouse full with doomsday weapons and crazy creatures where the only security measure is a defunct AI with personality disorder that conjures up a Sherlock Holmes villain who shoots at you with bullets from a revolver. And the only way to stop this is to whistle a tune that only one person in the universe might know. This is the level of writing that we got.

This is just insane.

Worf and Raffi disappear for an episode with only the flimsiest excuse, only to make a "surprise" appearance later and stab at changelings that somehow suddenly also fight with swords and somehow can be hurt by them. It really boggles the mind!

It is the season that started with Beverly Crusher shooting a phaser pump gun that runs out of ammo after 6 shots!

There are so many half baked ideas in this season, I can't put them all down, like the vulcan Mafioso or Starfleet turning into Russia holding military parades. An old Klingon cloaking device gets stolen off-screen(!) and seamlessly integrated into ships systems without the chief engineer complaining. The compromised fleet is shooting at a starbase for half an hour but why not fly around it and attack Earth from a different angle? Jack looks exactly like Picard did when he was Locutus. Why? Don't know. Maybe they think we are idiots.

I just can't understand these knee-jerk 10/10 ratings. Does nobody think about stuff anymore? Yes they recreated the Enterprise bridge and let the actors play poker AGAIN but what about the story of the season? Or this episode?

Does anyone thinks about all the young people who turned murderers when they were borgified? OBE YEAR LATER and everything is fine? There is even a monologue by Riker to tell the audience not to think about it! Even the changelings were not that bad-after all they didn't kill all their targets!

Pulling the overused Borg out of the hat at the 11th hour was really a lame idea. It's very uncreative because we have seen enough of the Borg. What? Should we be excited because NOW THEY ARE REALLY DANGEROUS? Come on.

Yes this season was way better than the clunky film student season 1 and leagues better that the abysmal stupid low budget-y season 2, but a 10/10? No way.

I just can't believe that all these ratings are by real people. But if they are real, I hope they got paid enough.
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