Mrs. Davis (2023)
Love it or you don't.
26 April 2023
Pretty unique concept. I'd have loved to see it unfold in the 1300's instead of it just being a flash backs. I thought the show would be silly but it actually isn't.

The premiere showed up several stories/timelines before we focus on the actual leads of the story and I think that builds up a lot of interest to see where the show's gonna go and how everything's gonna mold together.

The stories more well thought out than I thought, I had terribly low expectations but this is actually pretty decent and it's over midway the season now. Still haven't pieced everything together yet and characters you're supposed to or not to root for haven't revealed yet, making this unpredictable. The characters are probably one of the shows best qualities because it could've been easily to make them your generic and paper thin personalities, especially the already familiar characters. I've gotten a few funny shocks.

It's pretty ludicrous so if you read the synopsis and think it's gonna be too silly or too blasphemous for you to watch(understandably so) then it will be, but if you're willing to watch something silly you might end up enjoying it. It's similar in a way to miracle workers, Lucifer or good omens on the religion standpoint, but they are still all unique and different shows.
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