21 April 2023
I accept that I only have three episodes to base my review on but I found that I'm becoming increasingly irritated with the teenager and her brat persona. The two main stars in this series are actors I enjoy watching usually but Jennifer Garners character seems clueless in how to have a relationship with a teenager and even if they learn to come together I can't see why I would think it's an enjoyable journey to watch. The plot seems disjointed and I'm asking myself 'who would keep a bag of money under a bed?'. One minute Garner is hiding her phone calls from the daughter and not telling her anything, the next she is spilling the beans, the next she's being secretive again and so on. There is just no flow. This is the sort of series that does not benefit from being released one episode at a time as I can imagine many viewers will switch off from it. If I never got to see episode 4 it wouldn't be a problem. I've given it a 4/10 rating after 3 episodes and if I do watch the rest and find it was worthwhile I will come back and raise it.
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