Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
I ugly cried.
21 April 2023
I'm serious. This episode has everything I didn't even know I needed. In fact, I can say that about this entire season. In an era of increasing bleakness, strife, and malice in the world, the renewed vision of hope and optimism embodied by Gene Roddenberry is alive and well here. I won't spoil anything in this review; however, I will say that this episode strikes an emotional chord. If you loved TNG - I know I do, I grew up on the series - you'll end up ugly crying. You'll laugh out loud. Sometimes you'll do both within a breath of the other. There are some detractors out there, certainly - and they are welcome to their opinions - but the fan service dished up in this episode precisely sates an appetite to Boldly Go. Thank you, Terry Matalas, the writing crew, the directors, the entire main and guest cast, for giving me the most entertaining season of TV I've experienced in a long, long time.
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