Fall River (2021)
Interesting and mysterious
6 April 2023
One of the truly unique things about this documentary series is that when you watch it from beginning to end the people involved as suspects, witnesses, investigators or whatever the case maybe from the time of certain events in the late 70s/early 80s their opinions and sometimes stories changed except for two people: 1) the lead investigator who is now an elected member of Massachusetts House of Representatives and 2) one of the people charged with murder. Facts do not change, stories change. The standard of the U. S. justice system is beyond a reasonable doubt when the most evidence you have of a murder is a partial skull, in a time before dna how can you prove who it is let alone who killed them, where, when, how and why. It is an interesting documentary. I enjoyed seeing how different people in similar situations are talked about and judged, there are 3 pimps and 2 are described as being abusive and one is described as being a victim. Interesting how the pimp some describe as a victim because of past abuse is a suspect in multiple murders and yet one pimp who is viewed as abusive is the victim of past abuse. It was also interesting how there were reports of satanism and ritual killings and yet I don't remember any evidence to support that theory. It is repetitive especially the first two episodes but overall I found it an interesting documentary about people more than the crimes.
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