Nothing New. Just More Polite Prattling That Says Even Less Than Ever...
5 April 2023
The Brooke Shields story is a pretty epic one, and definitely worth retelling in its entirety. Problem is, this boring rehash falls flatter than road-kill constantly. It's the same moralistic drivel that tries to entice you with what it says we are all bad people for allowing ourselves to be enticed by: young Brooke. Seriously?? It's all been said and done before a dozen times, but in most cases, far better! It's really NOT a "documentary" at all. It's more like randomized factoids and Cliff-Notes about someone's life. Brooke is SO much more deserving of a better vehicle for her story than this mess. It's all very 'Safe' and under-spoken. There are videos on YouTube about Brooke that are far more interesting, exciting, and informative than this very amateur and exploitive mess. The very few minutes of segment regarding the Blue Lagoon was wonderful, but again, it seriously lacked anything and everything poignant and informative. This Dull-Fest was a true disaster for such a great talent and beautiful soul as Brooke Shields. As soon as it began saying anything about the mom, it never finished the thought. There are SO many missing pieces of information and incomplete thoughts here it's like an ADHD nightmare. You can't "Entice" and "Play-it-Safe" at the same time. This unfortunate project tried to do both, and FAILED epically!
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