A grandiose story done well.
25 March 2023
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a true gem of oldschool anime, unique in many ways. For example, this is an extremely rare instance of an anime being based on a series of cult classic science fiction novels. This is also a very accurate adaptation, which follows the original story almost word for word.

This was not an easy task, however, as the story is very grand in scope and tells us about a huge intergalactic conflict between two civilizations, showing us the effects of the war from both sides equally. The characters always stay important and interesting on both sides. It deeply delves into the social, political, military and other in-world nuances of the two fictional governments, but it also doesn't forget explore the minds of the people who lead these governments and armies. And that's where the story really shines.

Fitiing for a story of such grand scope, there are hundreds of characters in this anime. Soldiers, politicians, diplomats, merchants, average civilians - you name it. The amount of characters, storylines and intrigues is huge, similar to Game of Thrones or, perhaps, The Wire. Despite having so many characters, the overwhelming majority of the main cast is very likeable, well written, sympathetic or charismatic (in many cases, it's all of the above). It's impressive how this story manages to successfully combine the grand and epic storyline of the ongoing galactic war with the interesting personal conflicts of the main cast, including many charming, well written and memorable interactions between them. There are good, bad, broken and grey people on both sides of the war and, as the series goes on, you gradually start to wish that everything would turn out good for the characters themselves, not the factions they represent, as there are always no sinless and completely innocent sides during the all-out war.

It's a shame that this anime is not so well known outside retro anime fans, as I genuinely think that it rivals some of the best Japanese animated series out there in terms of writing, worldbuilding and many other aspects. The animation may be a little dated, but as soon as you get used to it, which usually happens pretty quick, you'll begin to understand why this anime is so highly rated.

I highly recommend this series to any anime, sci-fi or space opera fans out there.
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