Bones: The Maggots in the Meathead (2010)
Season 6, Episode 3
The One Where Hannah Moves In
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hi Bones Booth Pod!

I know this episode isn't a favorite for most people in the fandom, but I don't hate it. Yes, the Jersey Shore storyline is silly, but I am not opposed to ridiculous storylines, especially if they provide some much needed levity to an episode. If nothing else, it certainly is one of the most memorable episodes of the series. It is also nice to have Fisher back, since his appearances in S5 were few and far between.

The most important aspect of the episode revolves around Booth and Hannah's decision to move in together. To reiterate some points I made in my last review: I do not dislike Hannah or her relationship with Booth. However, opening the episode on an intimate scene between the two of the them feels intentionally cruel for Booth and Brennan shippers to have to see, especially when it's presented in a way that feels like it's being shoved in our faces. On the one hand, I understand that Booth is in the "honeymoon phase" of his relationship with Hannah, and with that, comes the desire for lots of physical intimacy. But, I am just not sure why we as an audience need to see it happen every single time. The entire scene could have been cut from the episode, and the story wouldn't have been impacted.

It's hard not to feel like much of Booth and Hannah's relationship is built upon their physical attraction to each other, and not much else. Maybe that is why we see so many of their intimate scenes? Despite the fact that she is willing to move in with Booth, Hannah doesn't know him that well. She hasn't met Parker yet, and she doesn't seem to understand a lot of his motivations, and vice versa. Without Brennan's help, I am not sure that Hannah and Booth's relationship would be able to sustain itself long term. That is evident by the fact that when given the opportunity, they invite Brennan to be a third wheel on all of their dates. They don't seem to know how to have alone time as a couple, when it doesn't involve physical intimacy. That's a red flag.

As usual, Sweets serves as the voice of reason, by pointing out that Booth and Hannah's dynamic has changed now that they are back in D. C. and even if Booth is not ready to listen to those observations, I am still glad that Sweets voices his opinion.
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