King of the Hill: Peggy's Fan Fair (2000)
Season 4, Episode 24
Peggy's egotism hits the heights
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Here Peggy is egotistic but for a change is partially justified. First she's in her glory that her suggestion of a church trip to Nashville for a country music stars fan fair is adopted. She commandeers control of the trip to the consternation of Assistant Pastor Larry who went to seminary in Nashville, claiming that she was the expert. When they arrive, Bobby calls Connie but Kahn answers the phone and hangs up on him. He and Luanne mention this to Brooks & Dunn who kindly took the time to speak to them about Bobby's distress. Meanwhile Peggy was boasting about a song she wrote and sent to Randy Travis and that she got a letter from him encouraging her in her song writing career but rejecting her tune; at a record signing she is furious to hear his voice singing her lyrics so she butts ahead of the line to confront & deck Randy, only to be escorted outside. Amazingly Randy's assistant calls Peggy and Hank to his trailer where she explained about the song and the letter - he said the letter was boilerplate verbiage from his "pit bull lawyer" and claimed never to have seen let alone stolen her song (she might not have known this but writers, etc. As a rule usually don't review unpublished material in order to avoid accusations of plagarism such as what Peggy was claiming) which satisfies them somewhat. Meanwhile Bobby & Luanne decide to thank Brooks & Dunn with Peggy's apple brown betty - somehow, one of the trays got eaten so they buy some more, alas, Bobby trips and spills it so they decide to just quickly put it back in the pan, not knowing they were also mixing dirt that had horse manure in it into the treat. Brooks liked it so much that he ate the whole tray, getting violently ill and needing hospitalization. Meanwhile, while Hank is standing in line with Charlie Daniels to buy beer, Randy is singing another song where he further incorporates details from Peggy's life that she shared in the trailer, further infuriating her, especially since Hank later didn't believe her! She talks to Dale & Bill who help her retaliate by TPing Randy's trailer; unfortunately the brake gets dislodged and the trailer rolls into the lake with Randy (unbeknownst to them) was trapped inside. When Hank arrives to where the trailer was, he promptly dives in to save Randy - for once, Peggy is contrite as she didn't want his death on her hands. Noticing Peggy's attitude he confides in Assistant Pastor Larry who tells him "Reverend Schuller once took wording from one of my Christmas cards to use in a sermon but I didn't burn down the Crystal Cathedral". Later it seems he tipped off the police all that had happened and they were looking to arrest Peggy for trying to harm Randy - this was escalated when she announced her intentions to give Randy her apple brown betty - the same kind that Brooks got ill from. Hank decides finally to stick up for Peggy, offering to have some of the treat to prove nothing was wrong. At the very end Randy tells a story how he saved Hank from drowning in the lake and Hank wanted to deck him - Peggy said what's the use, leave it alone.

This was great that they got many country music stars to guest voice on it. Also guest voicing was Tony Danza as the voice on the prepaid calling card Connie gave Bobby which he tried to use to call her on. I didn't like Assistant Pastor Larry's conduct here once Hank expressed his concerns about Peggy. Although he's not a Catholic priest who is bound to keep all matters confessed confidential, he still shouldn't have thrown Peggy under the bus by reporting her to the police. Maybe that's why the character only appeared in this episode - it's possible the Hills and the others who witnessed it complained to Pastor Stroup and/or the church board and he got transferred or fired on account of it.
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