29 January 2023
I believe it was my English teacher who said once: "very good, you deserve feedback." Well that phrase stuck with me during the viewing of this abysmal music video. I have a few positive points to get across before we get to the negatives.

Positives: I enjoyed the atmosphere that was portrayed, it was very surrealist, but I feel like this works in its favour. Because the premise of this video is not supposed to make sense as I Interpret it.

Negatives: During my viewing I noticed how this story lacked any sort of direction, sure the idea of going to ancient China is an interesting concept, but you must back it up with purpose, or else your interesting concept falls into the hands of the void of incoherence. The ideas brought up in this piece are interesting, but they do not add up to anything. As the narrator in the Stanley Parable said: "I very much enjoy gags, but they don't add up to anything." Also, in this 12 minute long "music video", their is very little music. I see the importance of building context to your song, but the song must take center stage in a music video.

Finally, I would like to express my absolute hate towards Jared Leto, he has single-handedly ruined the cinematic industry with his bogus "method acting". This video clearly shows his pretentiousness and his pompousness. He wanted to do cool stuff in ancient China and did not care about the coherence of his story, the relevance of the information presented or even the song this video should've been based around,

In conclusion, the video brought up interesting ideas but did not develop on those ideas. The song took a backstage whilst Jared Leto lived his 12 year old teenager fantasy. He is the bottom of the barrel and I am surprised he still has a career.
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