A below average "Spooky Forest" experience.
19 January 2023
I want to stress that this film is NOT bad, and is definitely worth a watch if you have 90 minutes spare and want to watch something.

The overall plot isn't bad. Its not 100% original, but it doesn't do the spooky forest genre any good.

Character development is at a minimum here.

Its hard to settle on any of the characters and fully be on their side for any reason.

The acting is OK and not bad at all.

My main issue with this movie is the script writing and how they get from A to B when moments of tension hit.

Of course its a Horror Movie and its not supposed to be realistic. But when dealing with Human emotion scenes, some of the outcomes seem so unbelievable, it becomes frustratingly annoying.

Also you have one of those moments where the aggressor shows their true power, but somehow miraculously turns it off later, just so the film can progress.

In my honest opinion, it seems like this movie was made to push an agenda. The way these people were behaving, was just far to annoying given the circumstances they were in "IF" they had any sort of friendship.

I definitely won't watch again.
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