A Christmas Carousel (2020 TV Movie)
A red herring staring up at you
29 December 2022
6.8 stars.

I tried 'A Christmas Carousel' about 6 weeks ago when I began this Hallmark Christmas marathon, but sadly was unable to finish it. I ended up deleting it so I could free space for what appeared to be more savory films. It was a tough Thanksgiving week juggling the 80+ I had on my DVR and "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one". I'm back for more punishment. I figure now that I have one-hundred and thirty three under my belt, I can make this one #134... give it another shot. I know what you are thinking "this guy needs to get out of his parents' basement and get a life". You wouldn't be wrong. Maybe I've matured in my process enough to view this film from a completely unbiased perspective. I am an expert x-mas flick dude now, and so let's see what new insights 'A Christmas Carousel' delivers...

Insight #1: I've grown more fond of Rachel Boston over time. She was in the lower middle of the pack, now she's in the upper middle.

Lila (Boston) literally bumps into the dashing prince Whitaker (Bledsoe). She and her father are at his royal palace in Ancadia to restore an old Carousel that her great grandfather built. She does not realize he is the prince, but we as the audience know immediately. He fools with her, pretending to be a handyman/painter. A few minutes later his big identity reveal is strangely downplayed. Truth be told Bledsoe is a splendid actor and primarily what makes this film better than boring. As the story goes, we witness some moments of enlightened flirtation between Lila and Whitaker. They follow the cliché unabashed American girl not swooning over European Prince routine.

Insight #2: The rest of the story is predictable, however I find it to be charming and well done. It is nothing new, but I was touched nonetheless.
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