Savage State (2019)
Unusual Civil War Take
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Civil War film with an unusual take similar to The Keeping Room and the original Beguiled. And, if you just like looking at stunningly pretty girls, you won't go wrong here. But outside of being visually titillated with the pulchritudinous presences of the three sisters, the story isn't half bad either--and it even has weird men with their heads and faces covered in white whose motives are unknown except for the fact that they are chasing a French family from St. Charles, Missouri who are trying to escape the Civil War and go back to France. There is some silly witchcraft here as well, and it is presented as workable if the participants believe in it--therefore a turncoat is cursed by the girl who loves him and he dies in the same way that she tortures a voodoo doll. The run time of 2 hours was fine if the story had been more coherent, but the acting and photography are both superb nonetheless. Worth a watch if you're not expecting the typical 1860s fare.
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