Quick and lazy documentary
26 December 2022
Parroting the other low reviews, really missed the mark. Almost no direction or attempt at trying to build any kind of interest. Just snagged the low hanging fruit.

Hard focused on some weird tangents and glazed over the interesting parts. Just hopped over the actual crime and lawsuit bits in little spurts as fast as possible.

The biggest thing is they really skipped over the people that got taken advantage of for the sake of trying to make you feel bad for her. If it was really that bad of a scam, they probably could have dug about and found at least a few victims to interview right?

We get zero of the victims perspective (besides a few tiny secondhand stories) or how they felt. If there were so many documented complaints and you spoke with prosecution post trial and settlement, you probably could have gotten at least 1 or 2 to speak. Having someone who spent a lot of money/time on the hotline and how they view it today would have been an interesting counter view.

This doc just has a very clear target audience. I'm just being honest. You might like this if your black, lgbtq, or both, but you also might feel like they hard pandered to that demographic as a way to make a lazy documentary off of a nostalgic figure.

There's for sure a super interesting story here about that industry and Cleo's personal story intermingled. It's a really interesting cultural phenomenon. Unfortunately, all this doc amounts to is a "We love Miss Cleo" party.

Plus, the editing is poo.
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