Review of Cavalry

Cavalry (1936)
Of Its Time, No More
24 December 2022
I was surprised that so many reviewers here wax lyrical over this-maybe I'm missing something! Anyway:

Robert N. Bradbury-directed oater with his wooden son-in-law Bob Steele; infantile script but thankfully the proceedings are brisk; hoary tale set just post-Civil War: evil renegade raiders escape West and join up with a nutter trying to establish an independent state (presumably Texas); Bob sorts it all out and even turns the Indians against the rogues; there is the obligatory saloon fistfight with windmill-like arms flaying, painfully slow speech (reading boards?), and the goodie eavesdropping on the baddies from 3 open paces! There is also obvious stock footage. The usual mistaken identities are all resolved in the end, and the gal's supposed dead Pa turns up courtesy of Bob.

I found this on a specialist Western site-just as well as I doubt that any mainline channel would now show this-even with a warning-as there is quite an extended sequence near the beginning where the Southern gal and her uncle tell their slaves that they are free-this inspires a sorrowful musical "Gospel Spiritual" lament with much eye rolling and hand wringing as the "Massers" depart! Quite cringey even allowing for the era in which it was made.

Ticked off in my master encyclopedia, never to be seen again...
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