Rogue Cell (2019)
An Authentically Bad Film and No Plot End
21 November 2022
I watched it through to the end which was no easy feat. I'll break this down in three pieces: plot, production and acting. The plot by far was the best element of this film. An assignment to kill or tie off all lose ends of a Sci-fi type experiment is contracted by the government. But an agent goes rogue and wants to protect the unwilling subjects of the experiment and possibly expose their latent supernatural powers. If their truth comes to light it could cause political types to lose credibility and power. But That plot is abandoned and the survival of the rogue agent/group becomes the central plot which isn't obvious until the end. As a sub-plot Several para-military, intelligence contractors are competing for the off-book government assignment by trying to decimate each other.. The film barely touches on the sci-fi related experiment after dangling it as the core of the plot. The acting is all across the board, but most of it is amateurish and there doesn't appear to be a big enough budget to retake bad shots. Assuming single take shots, the two lead actors are probably competent. The production quality is abysmal. There's too much hand held camera work terrible lighting which makes virtually every scene look fake and plastic. Exposure control is lacking- some scenes are over exposed while others are dark. Im not an expert but it's like they used outdoor film indoors and vice versa. The director tried to limit the special effects probably because of sub-standard materials and expertise, but he should have avoided it altogether. The sets are terrible, for example, the US Vice President seems to work out of a college classroom. Somebody spent some money on this because there's a helicopter in one scene. The movie ends without a plot conclusion. It's almost like a pilot for a series. If that's a spoiler, I apologize.
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