Review of Stutz

Stutz (2022)
Stutz's Tools
20 November 2022
Dr. Stutz's eclecticism is what makes him a formidable therapist. He was schooled in psychoanalytic theory, but has blended cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness and acceptance into a simple yet potent formula to follow.

Step 1: Identify your Part X, a.k.a. Your inner saboteur. These are all the negative messages about yourself from society, community and family that you have internalised. They form barricades that prevent you from reaching your goals and attaining self-actualisaton.

Step 2: Befriend your Shadow. Most people try to run away from their shadow yet the shadow is irrevocably a part of them. It is the side of you that you are the most ashamed of and the reason you are ashamed of it is Part X, the negative messaging. Be compassionate to the shadow by refuting Part X and loving all parts of yourself.

Step 3: Beware the Snapshot. The snapshot is the thing that we think will finally bring us happiness once we have achieved it, and make up for past hurts and disappointments. Hill thought it was fame and success for him but soon plunged into depression when he realised that it did not make his shadow go away. The snapshot is a diversion.

Step 4: Get out of the Maze. This is us holding onto old grievances, demanding that life should be fair when it is not. It keeps us stuck in the past, unable to enjoy life in the present, and contaminates the future. To get out of the Maze, Stutz advocates for Active Love.

Step 5: Exercise Active Love. Embody the love that you wish to receive from the universe and project it onto those who have done you wrong so that you may forgive them for their actions. This is exercising kindness for yourself and empathy for those who have been responsible for your Part X, finally allowing yourself to let go and move on.

Step 6: Use Radical Acceptance. Try not to resist your negative thoughts and feelings. Whatever happens when you get told not to think about a pink elephant? Instead acknowledge the pink elephant, tell it kindly that you will not engage with it and turn your attention to something more productive and rewarding.

Step 7: Practice the Grateful Flow. Surmount Part X by reminding yourself the things that you are grateful for in life, no matter how big or small. This is like a mindfulness practice in that it helps us to ground ourselves and not be carried away by the incessant negative messages from the world.

Stutz says that his biggest fear is not getting enough done before he dies. He has a website offering The Tools, but there is probably an opportunity for a book like the Happiness Trap, which takes people through the steps of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
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