God of War Ragnarök (2022 Video Game)
A masterful craftsmanship exceeds any expectations
14 November 2022
Now I understand how Sony was convinced to release first GOW (2018) on PC. Honestly if I wouldn't have a Playstation, I could be looking to get a PS4 or PS5 asap. Because this is not only one of the greatest title of Sony, but also it's probably the best blockbuster in recent memory. Even first Avengers or Endgame didn't give me this sort of satisfaction to be honest, nowhere close. Such a complete and epic storytelling, vastly increased depth in character development, dialogues and actions make sense, unforgettable moments, perfected an already great gameplay with highly improved graphics. And most of all, face animations are probably the most realistic ones. Especially Freya and Kratos seemed like almost real people.

Before the release, I've been thinking this is going to be a huge DLC as some claimed but I can assure it's entirely something else. Maybe first one or two hours you'll have that feeling briefly but be patient, it only gets better and better along the way. They've already created an amazing game engine and strong gameplay with first one, apparently it gave developers an opportunity to focus on storytelling, art direction and additional characters and oh boy, it really paid off.

No need for any spoilers. And I highly recommend avoid any gamesplay videos at all costs. You'll want to see and feel every detail for yourself. I'm very careful using overused words like masterpiece and epic, and I'm really careful to rate a title 10/10. But this game deserves everything.

Finally, thanks to Sony. Single player gaming should never die because such a perfection is only possible by single player titles. And thanks to Santa Monica. This game is a "naughty" statement to other Sony Studios about how a sequel should be made. This is a must-have!
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