Entertainingly insightful!
24 October 2022
Watching Revolution Generation was the most entertaining media I have seen to showcase the true qualities of the millennial generation. To be frank, I have only ever seen millennials depicted in a very negative light and this is touched on by Directors Josh and Rebecca Tickell very early on. Narrator Michelle Rodriguez highlights the common misconceptions of this generation in an enticingly refreshing manner including her own personal anecdotes as she is also considered a millennial. Michelle is exceptionally entertaining in this task as she speaks of the struggles she faced growing up in a world seemingly destined to burn, while the previous "nomad" generation of the 1960s-1980s judged from afar. Her story is only one among the many included in this film of millennials who have struggled in adulthood and what it means to be a functioning member of society. Throughout the film, the Tickells deliberately chose to highlight the current issues going on in the world and their cyclical nature. As depicted in the film, there seems to be 4 "turnings" of generations and each new one comes with their own archetype. The directors also did well in this aspect by making the historical explanation of human nature equal parts informative and interesting. In this last turning, we have our "heroic" millennials, and it just so turns out that they live up to the 80-year theory. Politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and activist Shailene Woodley are utilizing their current positions and influence to help change the world. Revolution Generation is a film that encourages all to see hope, because millennials are the heroes of this generation. It makes you want to be a hero too.
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