Non-scary copy/paste mystery thriller.
23 October 2022
'Halloween Party' has nothing to do with a Halloween party. This is the name of a computer virus that pops up on your computer, asking you to enter your biggest fear before a timer runs out.

Shortly after receiving the message on her friend's computer, Grace learns of the death of her best friend - who was killed by her biggest fear. When the police doesn't believe her, she approaches computer science geeks to try and find the origin of the 'virus'. This might sound like an interesting premise, and I thought at first it compared nicely to the mystery of 'The Ring'.

'Halloween Party' is still better than any of the Michael Myers' 'Halloween' sequels and has more substance, but it lacks vision. This is not a body count slasher like most Halloween movies out there, but a mystery thriller instead. Grace and nerd Spencer learn about children with a terrible skin disabling disease, and this story reminded me a bit of 'Sinister' - only to a certain extent, off course.

Unfortunately 'Halloween Party' turned into a real B-movie during the final act, with terrible performances from supporting actors, and even the photography looked cheap. For the finale they opted for a 'Paranormal Activity/Blair Witch Project' look (yawn) - complete with similar dialogue. The ending was also a bit stupid.

Although the concept was good, the execution wasn't all that great. It felt like they were putting ideas from various movies together, and it didn't gel all that well. I also didn't find Grace a credible heroin, and her character always in bed answering her phone became a bit deja vu. 'Halloween Party' was also not scary at all. In fact, it delivered very little in the form of thrills and chills. I actually don't think I'm going to remember this movie.
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