It's pokemon. Just enjoy.
30 September 2022
First off, let's get the negatives out of the way - ash seems really dumb; Goh catches Pokémon with no battling required.

Right now for the brief review....take it at face value. It is Pokémon and for kids and it is enjoyable. We see so many new & different locations, as well as meeting some fun and likeable characters along the way. Great to see all tue Pokémon that feature - both old and new creatures.

Forget the haters and give it a go. At 20mins an episode you won't regret it. It sets the scene nicely for follow on masters series and helps add bit of context to later films.

I grew up with Pokémon blue and red, but I am really enjoying the new stuff. The battles are exciting and let's not forget the ever faithful Pikachu! An excellent travel companion for Ash.
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