Temporal title
25 September 2022
Having followed the absolutely insane talent of the animator David Firth since his inception on NewGrounds and other sites - yes, lads and gents what you are in for is reaching far beyond the birth of youtube, facebok and even google. See?

An absolute brutal presentation of nightmarish visions of what it means to be alive and to also want more. Mr. Firth has a cunning way of playing with ideas by controlling his own rhythm.

Sometime you will feel strangled by the severity of what is being told, and just as you think there cannot be more, there is more.

Just like life is not a choice, it is something we experience. And artistically, this is a supreme masterpiece.

Does require mature audience.

At least, the once that trickle down through the churning of .. I will leave the rest for Mr. Firth to show.
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