I liked it better once I understood the ending.
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No, I haven't seen the original. I don't really care to track it down. I liked this one just fine.

Even better after I went reading about the ending. I must be an idiot because I missed every clue along the way. I was expecting something demonic or paranormal so my mindset blinded me to what's shown.

Everything is clear now but still one thing remains: If none of this was real and all in the kid's head, then what was the whole point of that scene where mommy was ripping her skin off? The child wasn't there to see it and she was alone so why did it happen? Did I miss something else? Was it meant to be a metaphor? I thought she was a ghost or something that needed to "renew" her flesh to keep up appearances when it started chipping. That was my line of thinking.

Anyway, technically, it was otherwise well done. Good acting. Nice atmosphere. Beautiful scenery. A lot was accomplished with a total of about 6 cast members.

I'd recommend it. I'm going to give it another go, now armed with more insight, and take it in again. That speaks a lot for the movie. I like it enough to revisit it.
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