The X-Files: Field Trip (1999)
Season 6, Episode 21
An incredible, cleverly written episode.
18 September 2022
The bodies of a young couple are found buried in the ground, covered in a very bizarre slime.

Such a creative, imaginative episode, there are some genuinely incredible ideas throughout this one, terrific production values, it's genuinely unique. Those visuals, incredibly creative.

It's one of those that leaves its mark on you, once seen, you won't forget the events here in a hurry.

The way this episode made me feel, imagine being directly involved in a Murder mystery, but you're so tired that you're in a state of semi consciousness, your eyes are half seeing what's going on, but your brain is trying hard to fill in the blanks, I know that may seem like a vague description, but the storyline is fairly trippy.

Some genuinely awesome scenes between Mulder and Scully, the pair were at their best.

Terrific, 9/10.
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