Review of Threshold

Star Trek: Voyager: Threshold (1996)
Season 2, Episode 15
A crazy but enjoyable episode
8 September 2022
Tom Paris breaks the warp 10 barrier.

This is a famously panned episode that entertains if you go into it with the right frame of mind.

If you take your Star Trek seriously and appreciate good thought-provoking sci-fi writing, you might find Threshold somewhat of an insult to the intelligence, but if you appreciate wildly implausible ideas brought to life by a professional cast you can still take some enjoyment.

It starts off strongly with a good premise that works with the dilemma faced by the Voyager crew. Tom's ambition of piloting at warp 10 fits perfectly with his character and the build up to the flight is as good as any character work in the show.

Then events turn ridiculous in so many ways it would take too long to cover. The plot contrivances, the scientific implausibility, the reset button ending, and the fact the writers have taken a great Star Trek foundation of the warp 10 barrier and done THIS to it.

Robert Duncan McNeill carries Brannon Braga's ideas (including a tribute 'The Fly') remarkably well in an entertaining performance. I refuse to believe he plays the ranting and raving Paris as anything other than a tongue in cheek homage to Seth Brundle. There is some development for the character in the episode's resolution and the makeup effects are excellent.

Where does it sit on the list of worst Star Trek episodes of all time? It's not great, but it cannot be accused of tedium and I have seen some far worse in Voyager, The Original Series, TNG, and Enterprise.
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