Bullet Proof (2022)
The Good Thief
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With this action movie you will be entertained. James Clayton, 'the thief', who wrote the story and directed the movie also plays a starring role. The one character who however steals the show is Mia, played by Lina Lecompte. Her character is not sweet, she's feisty and is running for her life, away from Temple, played as you'd expect by character actors Vinnie Jones. Temple is the tough guy villain drug lord who Mia is running away from, because he's brutal. Oh yeah, and Mia is pregnant with Temple baby, a son to be born, if she survives. Clayton's character turns out to be a good guy when Mia's fate at the hands of temple is not something he wants to be responsible for, given he has an opportunity to save her and does. That's it in a nutshell. I had my doubts about watching this movie, but in the end I was entertained and now I have an actor, Lina Lecompte, who I hope to see in another movie.
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