Average couple for an average show
15 August 2022
The show is the stereotypical home renovation show. Both of the shows hosts/leads have a working relationship with the jokes sometimes falling flat or feeling forced with bad acting.

It's mediocre at best. Some of the issues are appear forced too. Not sure if it's for manufactured drama for the show or just the recreation appearing bad.

Courtney's designs are in a lot of shows very simplistic and the same (I swear if I see another navy blue or white cabinet with gold fixtures). Typical modern taste you see on a lot of shows with white, white, white and occasional gray/brown to accent. Not sure if it's because that is there taste or the client's.

Biggest gripe is the renovation costs seem astronomical. $190,000 to do a few rooms and flooring. I've done home restoration myself on 1900 era homes and that same renovation would've cost around $80,000-120,000 tops.

It also seems they cater to only the "upper class" clientale. Almost all homes are $1 million or more. So I don't know if these renovation budgets are inflated to match the homes knowing customers are made of money or if local contractors (well, of they have their own contractors... In house then...) Are charging extra.

Either way, it's easy to forget background average cookie cutter home renovation show. Not bad, not good. Just kind of there.
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