Not Okay (2022)
A journey into hate and hopelessness
14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The concept of this Film had me intrigued. A hopefully poignant look at the dark side of social media. Instead it is a journey into hate and hopelessness.

So we have a young woman who is clearly depressed, lonely and lacking in just about every area of her life. She decides to try and spice things up a bit by living a fantasy online. Things get a lot out of hand when the place she is "visiting" ends up suffering from attacks and she is "supposedly" caught in the middle of it. Because this woman is clearly not in a good place she decides to keep the fantasy going and her life spins out of control with devastating results.

The sad thing is that the lie she is living actually starts to make her life better. She starts connecting with people, making friends and getting promoted. But she is still a terribly damaged person and the way she is presented makes it hard to like her. She's dumb, obnoxious and oblivious. But she does actually care for the friend she makes. But this all comes to nothing when her lies are exposed and she ends up in a worse place than where she began.

No forgiveness, no redemption, no help. This poor woman destroys her life and at the end of the film is left with less than nothing. Yes what she did was bad, yes she lied about having gone through something terrible and made friends and gains on false pretenses. But why should her life effectively be over? She didn't kill anyone.

The writer and director seems to have absolutely no empathy for her and the fact that she was clearly unwell before she entered into this fantasy life. There's no attempt to help her, redeem her or understand her. She's just there to be vilified, crucified and hated on. Death threats galore. What kind of message is that to send to the youth of today?

Apparently according to this film it's not ok to be anything other than a "real victim" and it's not ok to have a voice unless you are a victim. It's also not ok to forgive or to empathise or to have compassion for someone who makes mistakes (especially when they are choices fueled by poor mental health) unless of course the person in question is a real victim.

Why does the writer just want us to hate everyone that isn't portrayed as a poor innocent victim? Where is the positive message? Where is the hope?

All I got from this film was a bitter and unpleasant journey into nihilism, oh and that straight white women are privileged and suck. Just enough of this already. Let's bring back some hope and compassion into movies! Let's show people how to take responsibility for their actions, how to get help and how to thrive. Let's not glorify in their destruction and join the bandwagon....
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