Charlie's Angels: Fallen Angel (1979)
Season 4, Episode 5
Jill fooled me
30 July 2022
What a good plot. I was completely taken in by Jill (Farah Fawcett) - I genuinely believed she had turned criminal for the sense of adventure (and because she was in love).

Quite noticable how much of a bigger role Jill has, even though she's only meant to be a guest, than Tiffany (Shelley Hack), who is one of the current Angels.

A consistent feature of Charlie's Angels is the Angels using their sexuality and attractiveness to woo their way into positions, or getting information from criminals, while previously all the Angels at some point have had little flings, or fallen in love (that never works out for them), this has to be the first time one of them has deliberately gone undercover as the lover of a criminal. Jill and Damien (Timothy Dalton) have been a couple of months we're told, so presumably she's sleeping with him - that's a big ask for a female detective (although not officially one of the Angels now, presumably Jill is being well-paid by Charlie for doing this).

And what does Jill say at the end, back at the office, "I don't want you all to worry about me striking out with Damien, because I did too, for a sixth time", and then they all laugh. What was that all about? I didn't get it.
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