Black Summer: Human Flow (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
23 July 2022
I was surprised how boring this was. You'd think a first episode of a zombie series would be compelling and draw the viewer in to want to see more, but after this episode was over, I had no desire to go any further.

The characters are uninteresting which is a huge strike against it. I didn't care what happened to any of them and a first episode needs to make the viewer relate or care for the characters being introduced.

There's a whole lot of running around in the same 2 block radius of some cookie cutter neighborhood. The survivors were supposed to have walked a lot of miles, but you can see the same burnt out police car in the background sitting in the same position as the neighborhood they were supposedly in earlier. At least TRY and make the background scenery look different when they go to a new place!

Then there's a girl who gets hit by a car and turns into a zombie LOL. No one bit her so how did she turn all zombie just from getting hit by a minivan?! It made no sense. Everyone knows you have to be bitten by a zombie to turn into one. Not get hit by cars in the street!

There's a guy being held hostage with his hands in cuffs in front of him, yet he needs help lifting a toilet seat and his idiot captor walks over to oblige instead of saying " You can open it yourself"....or better yet, just let him pee in his pants. He's a hostage, what do you care if his pants get wet?!

Of course it's just ridiculous setup for the hostage to overcome the captor when he walks over to lift the toilet seat.

I know it's a zombie show and I shouldn't expect realism, but I expect a little common sense from the characters and not to see people turn into zombies just from getting hit by cars. Dumb dumb dumb.

I see it's been cancelled after the second season so it's already been put out of it's misery. I'll give it 2 stars for the laughs it supplied.
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