The Simpsons: Three Men and a Comic Book (1991)
Season 2, Episode 21
Bart C. Dobbs
8 July 2022
Bart saves money to buy a comic book.

This is an enjoyable character episode for Bart.

The plot involves some good parody of the nerd/geek subculture and is an epic tribute to movies like 'Treasure of the Sierra Madre'.

Bart's doomed attempts to raise $100 are pretty funny, especially his exchanges with Mrs Glick. I love the line about her wedding dress.

When events move to the treehouse we have my favourite moments as Bart slowly turns into Fred C. Dobbs. All the movie tributes in the episode are great, but I do love this one, plus Martin's 'Maltese Falcon' line is nice.

The introduction to Comic Book Guy is a good one. This character is so well observed and one of the writer's most recognisable parodies from life.
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