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6 July 2022
It's hilarious seeing the trivia for this episode and seeing how this episode was deemed unsuitable/was banned. There's nothing wrong with this episode. If I had seen it in the 60s I still would've said there wasn't anything graphic happening in this episode. It's not like you have Hugo looking at Irene as blood splurts everywhere as Irene's sawed into two. Compare this episode to how graphic things can be on current series and you'll probably laugh even harder!

So here goes. Our characters for this episode are Hugo, Irene and Sandini. Hugo's found passed out and he's very hungry. Sandini is the nice character between him and his wife. He's married to Irene and she's the opposite of what Hugo thinks of her. Likewise Sandini is the opposite of what Hugo thinks of him. Hugo comes to and he's frightened of how Sandini looks. Hugo thinks he looks like the devil! As for Irene, Hugo's got stars in his eyes for her. Hugo thinks she looks like an angel.

Sandini does a lot of nice things for Hugo but it doesn't matter because he's so blinded by Irene. I should mention that Hugo's on the slow side so it's really easy to manipulate Hugo. Hugo sees a magic trick that Sandini's doing and he believes Sandini is hurting Irene. It is explained to Hugo that it's a trick, Irene isn't being hurt and she's even smiling during the trick.

Irene goes full throttle in Hugo. She lies to him and says Sandini is the devil and she's so afraid of him. Irene tells Hugo that Sandini's magic comes from his magic wand he uses during his magic acts. Irene really lays it on thick and unfortunately Hugo believes her. Sandini ends up getting killed and Hugo takes his wand. Everything's about to blow up for Irene because Hugo thinks he can do the magic tricks Sandini could do. Irene's about to be cut into and this time it's no magic trick! Irene honestly got what she deserved.

Loved the episode and thought it was a good way to end AHP. I must say I'm glad the series extended to an hour long format because it gave the writers more time to tell well written stories. Both series deserve more recognition than what they get imo.
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