Decent PM Entertainment action flick.
23 June 2022
Decided to revisit this PM Entertainment flick starring Deron "Malibu" Mcbee who sports a huge physique, sweet blonde mullet, and viper shades. He doesn't come into play however till the half hour mark when he's sprung from prison and then spends most of the run time arm wrestling, having sweet shower sex with Samurai Cop's Melissa Moore, and working out.

His buddies then start getting picked off by our main bad guy (played with a totally wooden performance from James Dalesandro) that he then decides to gun up. This is a surprisingly decent flick. The gunplay and martial arts are poorly staged, but there's a couple of good car explosions and a decent car chase, car flip and all. The final has the bad guy eat it pretty good but decides to oddly not have Mcbee be the one to knock him off. Making his presence rather pointless overall.
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