Hoppy Goes Uptown
5 June 2022
Check out Hoppy in an uptown suit of all things. As a sheriff in Texas he's after stage robbers and cattle rustlers who've escaped into Oklahoma Territory where he's got no authority. So he goes undercover in a suit as a cattle buyer along with his two buddies. But how can he get the baddies back to Texas where he can arrest them.

Solid if unexceptional entry in the series, notable mainly for its unusual supporting cast. This is the iconic Robert Mitchum's first flick. He's one of the baddies and has, by my count, two scenes where he speaks. It's not auspicious, but he's on his way. Then there's George Reeves, another of the baddies, with many more lines. Later he would star in the 1950's series Superman, and die violently in 1959 under highly suspicious circumstances. Lastly is Victor Jory, a superb villian from many 40's crime flicks. Too bad he doesn't have more scenes here to unnerve the audience with.

Anyway, there's lots of hard riding, a big final shootout, and maybe best a heckuva barroom brawl. I guess my only gripe is Clyde's California whose wild antics sometimes go over the top. But that's minor. What's major is that it's good Hoppy entetainment for front-row geezers like me and cowboy fans of all ages. And, oh yeah, before I forget: Catch that adult-level innuendo when Hoppy checks in to the hotel as Jones, to which the clerk responds by saying that a lot of couples check in under that same name! Some writer's sneaky inside joke, I guess.
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