Horrible casting and absurd characterization ruin a decent premise.
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Aqua Vita" 2/10:

This episode is horrible on many levels, despite its short length. Very 80s, with bad music and bad hairstyles. But that's just the comparatively minor stuff.

Firstly, it starts with two bland, boring actors mumbling. Just because these "actors" had bad acting coaches who forgot to tell them that lines are meaningless UNLESS THE AUDIENCE HEARS THEM, I have to turn up the volume to "loud" in order to figure out what is going on.

It's just as well if I hadn't. The two have a dumb conversation about aging, at the end of which the guy lies to his GF/wife/whatever how beautiful she is.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." Yup, he is. Coz she is about as beautiful as... insert jokey analogy.

Then they show her from the profile, and I got confused: "Who's this guy now?!" I wondered. "Oh, it's that actress from the earlier scene..."

Then we get a stupid conversation between TV producers about how she's past her prime to be an anchorwoman. What the hell?... This is a top-notch anchorwoman...? This...?

Right, sure, whatever...

The great big funny irony is that the episode revolves around a youth serum. What this character needed was a plastic surgeon, not a youth fountain. Or a sex-change serum. Or at least a serum that would clearly define her gender. Seriously, no TV station on the planet would hire her to be anything in front of the camera, much less as a news reader.

Yes, a pet-peeve of mine - horrible casting of female roles. These errors in judgment tend to ruin entire movies. Or TZ episodes. Is it too much to ask to have attractive women on TV and in cinema? There are 1000s of beauties vying for roles, yet so often we get these kinds of sub-pat actresses.

Instead of getting angry at her BFF for getting her to use this toxic serum (with its horrible side-effects) the two normally chat, as if nothing had happened. So this news reader is a moron?

Then that idealistic, uber-romantic ending... Yeah, sure, a yuppie photographer doesn't care that his wife had aged several decades. But then again, he never did care that she looked like a man, so why would he mind this...
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