Amphibia: The Hardest Thing (2022)
Season 3, Episode 18
Perfect way to finish this show
16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler Free* Now I'm not exactly saying that this finale was "perfect" in a technical sense. Yes there's flaws, it was sometimes a bit rushed, blah blah blah. Honestly I don't care about that. I know people like to focus on that in finales when they are done well but I also think the focus should be on how the story itself concludes. I think Amphibia concluded perfectly.

*Spoilers* Having the two worlds be separated in the end, I think, is much better than if we saw them still be able to go to both worlds. Side note before I say what I like about that, I also think it's a smart choice because technology like that is dangerous and who knows what humans would do to amphibia and vice versa. Anyway, I think keeping the worlds separated gave the opportunity to deliver such a powerful and valuable lesson to the audience. I know the show is technically intended to be for kids, but I believe the message works for any age group. Things change. That's life. And sadly we can't always control that. Throughout this series we have seen how much the maim trio of best friends have changed, and it hasn't all been for the better. In the end they must leave and go on with their lives. Again that's how life is. We want things to stay the same like they used to be but as we see, Marcy still moved away and Sasha and Anne ended up not being super close in high school. It's very realistic to see this happen in real life. This, along with seeing how they have to accept leaving Amphibia and saying by to the people they grew close with, is what I love about this ending. The message is so clear but it also hurts. We don't like seeing things change but we must accept it and move on. The best we can do is remember the times we had. They never forget about Amphibia, and Amphibia never forgets about them. It is a heavy and sad thing to see happen, but I'm glad to see it nonetheless because I find it valuable and important to show to anyone. I feel the whole point of the show would be a bit muddled if in the end they went back but could still visit Amphibia.

All in all I loved this finale even though it absolutely broke me and had me crying throughout almost all of it😅.
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