Corpse Mania (1981)
I Love You To Death...And Beyond. 1-2-Watch.
15 May 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Corpse Mania; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 1.50 Direction: 1.25 Pace: 1.25 Acting: 1.25 Enjoyment: 1.25

TOTAL: 6.50 out of 10

Scolecipobics and Necrophobics beware of this picture. I hope the cadavers in this movie weren't actresses lying still. If they were, then you have my heartfelt respect. To be covered in so many crawling maggots as they twitched and skimmed the hairs on your body: Urgh!

What Corpse Mania possesses in its story is an evolving and unfolding murder mystery. I would hasten to add that it's one of the best I've seen. It works brilliantly to keep your curiosity circulating through your brain as you try to deduce, before the detective, who is the demented killer. What's more, the clues are there - along with a plethora of red herrings. Sadly, the story stales around midway, and my attention drifted - Though only slightly. I was back to being fully immersed for the climactic reveal, which I'd only gotten half correct. Damn, my deductive skills are slipping.

This dark thriller does contain some wince-inducing imagery. Enter slick bluish-skinned naked women covered in maggots. Alone, that is awful enough, but they then add the necrophilia element into the mix. If these scenes don't chill the morrow in your bones, I think you should go and see somebody. However, it's Chih-Hung Kuei that makes these frightful scenes more frightening by adding soft focus, subdued lighting, and empathic colours, which gives them a sense of elegance and grandeur, especially in the corpse washing section. And that only adds to your uneasiness. Kuei lets the story unfold at a steady pace, which is ideal for this type of tale. It allows the audience plenty of time to take in the facts and the gory details.

The cast, on the whole, is excellently suited to their characters. The one exception is Master Li, though I suspect that is down more to the writing than the actor's performance. It would have been nice to have more background on Master Li and his motives for wanting to free the prostitutes. It would have given the actor more to put into his performance. At the moment, he's cold and mysterious, which isn't a terrible thing. But the poor old actor just sits around looking bored. He needed more fire in those eyes. When you see Master Li, you see a bloke who's laidback to the point of being horizontal. He doesn't appear to possess the energy or the motive to carry out these acts. I wanted more from our alleged madman fetishist.

I would happily recommend Corpse Mania to all dark thriller fans around the globe. And, I hope your little grey cells fire better than mine did on the day.

Please feel free to visit my Killer Thriller Chiller and The Game Is Afoot lists to see where I ranked Corpse Mania.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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