Amphibia: The Hardest Thing (2022)
Season 3, Episode 18
A Masterpiece of a Finale
15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Amphibia has always been a show about change, about its inevitability and about how, even though it hurts like nothing else, it's all for the better. That comes front and center in this finale, one where the characters we've grown to love finally accept that change. The ending time-skip is so powerful because of that focus on change: just because the girls will never come back to Amphibia doesn't mean that they haven't left their mark on the people of Amphibia. They remember them, and they move on in their name. Likewise, the girls can never come back to Amphibia, but the lessons they learned about themselves and each other will never be forgotten, lessons that they have grown from.

Change is the hardest thing for anyone to accept because no one wants it. No one wants to leave behind everything they care about. But it happens nonetheless, and we've just got to rest assured that, to quote Anne, the things that really matter will always find a way back to us.

Thank you, Amphibia.
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