As We See It (2022)
Hard to watch in moments, hilarious in others... but authentic often enough to hit home
6 May 2022
I've worked as a mental health professional long term, and have some background at least with understanding autism, although I won't pretend to be an expert. I haven't seen the original Israeli series either, so can't speak for the remake's authenticity to the original.

From what I know though of autism, although there are some outlandish moments in this show at times, there's also a lot that rings true - and that's been agreed on in other reviews by carers of autistic people here.

This show focuses on a core group of roommates that are moderate - severe on the spectrum, and their aide (depending on each roommate's idiosyncrasies, important to note they can be moderate in some areas, but more severe in a couple of others. Each person is different in their autism, which was great to see). However, it's not necessarily focused then on mild, or very severe (often non-verbal) autism.

It can then feel a bit reductionistic or simplistic occasionally, if you're looking for wide autism coverage scope (which I notice has grated with one or two autistic reviewers already). Maybe that's inevitable however, because of the small scale nature of the show. Autism is quite diverse, and you can't unfortunately represent everybody's personalities in just one small scale comedy-drama series.

Maybe it's not then perfect here, but the writing so often captures well that "verging on chaos, with love" feel that's often present in autism care. Generally the storylines are usually heart felt, tightly acted, and mostly well scripted.

Accusations of this as a "white saviour" tale I've seen in other reviews too? Probably unfair. As you'll see if you stick with it, "saving" sometimes can mean failing, just as much as succeeding. Obstacles are still going to be plenty in future too for everybody, that's clear: whatever certain outcomes are at the end.

The really only significant flaw of this show I found, was perhaps a romance that develops between two of the cast, outside of the core three. It's telegraphed sadly in such an obvious way, and visible a mile before it happens; feeling sadly a bit of a corny, cliched, unnecessary melodrama, when compared to our core three.

It might have been best removed then from the script to be honest - or at least developed gradually over several seasons of the show, rather than crammed into the first. Still, can't make the omelette without breaking a few, as they say - you don't need to be perfect to be good.

In closing then, I think a great effort to start this show on Prime, and I really hope it's renewed for a second season. These characters stay with you, and I really hope we can follow their lives into the future a while yet.
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