Reversing Roe (2018)
Had potential, but nothing new
25 April 2022
I'd first like to say this review is an actual FILM review, not a diatribe of my own opinions. Some users of this site seem to put their own viewpoints ahead of a real review, which is what IMDB is for. Although I expected as much. But there was so much nuance and complexity that could've been covered here; I'm disappointed yet unsurprised that it wasn't that sort of doc.

This film had potential. In the beginning I thought that it was perhaps showing both sides... Telling a story, as a film should, and letting the viewer make up their own mind. Allow both sides to gain some insights and compassion for each other. Allow nuance. I think it occasionally veered towards that, but ultimately it was still geared towards either swaying you to one POV or affirming you if you already had that take on the issue. And it left no side with any greater understanding of the other.

In reality there are far more people than you'd think who don't have a black and white viewpoint, who don't fit themselves into a choice-or-life box. Or aren't coming from the same place you might expect. I really would've love to see more of that covered. After all, I come to a documentary to learn, and a good doc should really make the viewer think.

For example, I once read a fascinating essay written by a feminist, athiest woman - who was pro-life. I've also seen those who are extremely religious, and just as staunchly pro-choice. Humans usually don't fit into neat little boxes. I would have loved to hear the stories and reasoning of people like that in this film.

Ideally, I would've like to see this film look outside of the typical, politically-based talking points, and look beyond the usual spokespeople of the two camps. It would have made for a very compelling and interesting documentary if they had interviewed feminist/atheist/secular pro-lifers, if they interviewed the extremely religious pro-choicers, if they spoke to those who could not pick a side, to those who had an "or/but" viewpoint, believing that sometimes abortion wasn't right and sometimes it was, or that some situations would allow for it. Something that would challenge us all, no matter where we stood on the topic.

I also would've loved to hear from more scientists, especially biologists. Evolutionary biologists would have been a fantastic resource in my opinion. There are many who hold the view that science backs up life human life beginning at conception. There are others who have the opposite viewpoint. Imagine if we could get a couple well-educated biologists in a room debating this fact politely and using reason, logic, and facts.

So, in the end this film fell short. It didn't provide new perspectives or give viewers anything to think about. And there are so many perspectives to be had. In pro-life and pro-choice camps, and with all the others in-between or undecided. In the end I felt like this documentary served a political purpose, and wasn't really an honest film. I'm still waiting for that film, the one that will simply tell a STORY and show all sides, and show all the gray areas.

We're all human beings. Documentaries can remind us of that. A great doc really can change societies (Blackfish being a prime example). Unfortunately this was not one of them.
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